How do I add a sitemap to my website

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Welcome to my official blog Matic Ideas. I hope doing well Great! Today, In this article, I will tell you how to add a sitemap to your website. I have explained in the pervious article how to create blog easy way. and best SEO setting for blogger website.

How do I add a sitemap to my website by Maticideas

What is Sitemap.xml

Sitemap is a list of pages and articles of a website within domain. A Sitemap is a tool that allow google to automatically crawl your website and visible for human reading. 

How to add Sitemap manually!

Many people generate sitemap on local website but facing some issues on crawling. I will provide you original sitemap which recommended by google using in blogger and wordpress without facing any issues.

All you have to do copy the sitemap and paste it into your blogger site or wordpress website. 


User-agent: Mediapartners-Google


User-agent: *

Disallow: /search?q=

Disallow: /tag/

Allow: /


How do I add a sitemap to my website by Maticideas

how to past in blogger site. Go to blogger setting and find the crawler and indexing. First of all Enable Custom Robot.txt. When you enable it, a section will open Custom Robot.txt and then past sitemap. when you paste the sitemap, it will have my website link inside it.

Please Note: There will be a link to my website inside the sitemap.xml, you have change it and add your own link!

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